This glossy four-fold handout provides a brief definition of Barbershop Harmony and an explanation of why it's good for students. Quotes from several FWD students and teachers are included.
These are some ideas to help "kick-start" an active Youth in Harmony program in YOUR chapter. We welcome you to share your successes with your Area Coordinator, and we will use that input to continually build our pool of ideas to inspire other members to take on this important mission.
The Lloyd Steinkamp Endowment Fund for Far Western District Harmony Camps has been established at the Sacramento Region Community Foundation to provide support for FWD Harmony Camps. The Lloyd Steinkamp Endowment fund, honoring Lloyd's vision and creativity in introducing young men to barbershop harmony, is designed to create an earnings stream that will sustain the harmony camp program in future generations. Our initial goal over the next three years is to raise $200,000.
For more information, please download the following documents: