IRVINE, Calif., March 17, 2018 — Cross City Harmonizers, a barbershop quartet from three different high schools in the Las Vegas area, have won the 2018 Far Western District High School Quartet Contest.
Saturday March 17
3816 hits
LAS VEGAS, March 19, 2016 — Winner of the 2016 Far Western District High School Barbershop Quartet Contest is Soundsations from Orcutt Academy High School in Santa Maria, California, Dona Kintzi, Music Educator. Members are: Colin Alm, Tenor; David Genge, Lead; Chase Bradley, Baritone; and Mason Oakes, Bass.
Soundsations - 2016 Far Western District High School Quartet Champions
Chase Bradley (Bari), Mason Oakes (Bass), David Genge (Lead), and Colin Alm (Tenor)
Friday April 22
3893 hits
4 Men 4 Octaves won the 2014 Far Western District High School Quartet Contest and again in 2015. They are self-taught students at Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego, coached by a parent and local barbershoppers. They are sponsored by Pacific Coast Harmony, the La Jolla chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. They are also members of Pacific Suns, a youth chorus for San Diego County. They have now graduated from high school and are off to college. From left to right, they are Aaron Winey, baritone; Evan Clarke, bass; Kyle Fait, lead; and Ben Hulbert, tenor.
The Rolling Tones, pictured at left, won the previous two annual contests (2012-13). Their music educator, Keith Hancock of Tesora High School is a big supporter of Barbershop Harmony.
The South Orange County Chapter of the Society is proud to have been their sponsors and looks forward to sponsoring other High School quartets in the future.
Tuesday February 19
2882 hits
Dear Mike,
Thank you so much for coaching Wednesday at four of our high schools here in Santa Cruz County. You worked with approximately 110 high school singers who were very excited to work with you! Our pick-up quartet (Ian Blackwood, lead; Dwight Herr, bass; Bob Folker, bari; and myself on tenor) loved watching you work with the students. The teachers and students responded to your energy and love of barbershop and the robust way you have of teaching. Your visit was an invaluable boost to our high school program and showed the students and teachers of our community that BHS is willing to support our chapter by sending us such a professional and experienced educator as yourself to work with them.
Also, thank you ever so much for working with the Gold Standard Chorus later that evening. You energized our singers, again with your love of barbershop, and I thought you brought out the best in us when we sang Kentucky Babe. I know the chorus loved working with you and would love to work with you again.
Please view the questionnaire that was sent out to the teachers and students after your visit. They responded instantly and enthusiastically. I hope you find their responses rewarding.
Friday November 04
2872 hits
The weekend of February 12, 2011, the Masters of Harmony and the Southern California Vocal Association co-sponsored the 11th Annual Young Men's Harmony Festival. It was attended by 195 young men from 30 high schools and one middle school throughout Southern California, and the feedback from students, parents and teachers indicates that this was the best festival ever. About two-thirds of the attendees were first-timers, and the other third were repeat attendees from previous years.
The day started with introductions and warm-ups, followed by a demonstration of the barbershop style with all of the members of OC Times singing different voice parts than they usually do (except for Sean Devine, who apparently can only sing lead). We then ran through all of the songs, and we were pleasantly surprised with how well they sounded, compared to the same time at last year's festival. The young men were better prepared than previous years, and their vocal quality was significantly improved.
Wednesday February 16
2830 hits
On Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2010, three quartets from Liberty High School in Brentwood CA, visited six schools in Santa Cruz under the auspices of the Gold Standard Chorus. In two teams, they visited Monte Vista Christian School, Aptos HS, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz HS, Pacific Collegiate, and Mission Hills Middle School.
JAG, Diva (not shown), and Pink Ladies sang a few songs at each school and taught tags.
They brought self-assurance, poise, energy and bright smiles. They very obviously were having a good time. They had instant rapport with their peers. They were cool, with it, or down (or whatever the current teen lingo is). So their message that "barbershop is fun," got through to their audiences. They present this message much, much more effectively than any quartet from our chorus could. So the bottom line is that they were extremely effective for our school visit program.
Friday January 21
2990 hits
Barbershop harmony was in abundance at the Arizona Music Educator Conference held at the Mesa Conference Center over the weekend of January 7th through 9th. This year’s annual conference was attended by approximately 700 educators.
This was the 6th consecutive year that Ron and Annie Hayes have operated exhibits for Sweet Adeline International and Barbershop Harmony Society. We had the opportunity to speak with countless music educators and mingled with other exhibitors. Educators were asked to fill out an information questionnaire for follow-up. Some even had a chance to sing a tag within a barbershop quartet. At our exhibit, we were assisted by other Barbershop and Sweet Adeline chapter representatives from the Phoenix area.
Wednesday January 19
2858 hits
Llangollen, Wales, UK, July 12, 2009 — The Westminster Chorus, under the direction of Justin Miller, has won the 2009 'Choir of the World' Pavarotti Trophy at the International Musical Eisteddfod (Festival). Nearly 4,000 choral participants took part in the annual event held in Llangollen, Wales.
Sunday July 12
2853 hits
(Excerpt from BEST MIDWINTER CONVENTION EVER!, Westunes, Spring 2009, page 3)
January 28-31, 2009, Pasadena, CA—This impressive event is called a festival because it is not as much a competition as an opportunity for these youth choruses to experience the thrill of singing on the International stage, and receive standing ovations from the appreciative audience.
Scoring is done by grouping the choruses into three age-levels. Level A includes those whose ages average under 19, about high school age. Level AA includes ages which average 19-21, Level AAA includes ages which average 22-24. There was only one Level AAA chorus, and its 31 members scored an impressive average score of 77.1. Most experienced barbershop chapters would love to be able to score this high. There were three Level AA choruses, whose average scores were also high at: 76.1, 73.9 and 68.4. The highest average score of the remaining Level A choruses, all high school level, was still an impressive 63.1.
Saturday February 28
2788 hits